Monday, August 11, 2014

That was the fastest week ever! I seriously feel like I was on the computer yesterday. This is nuts. Now I only have two weeks left! What?!
So last Monday we went down to St. Charles for Zone P-day where we played ultimate Frisbee with the whole zone. It was really humid and after a while a lot of people were dropping out. At the end it came down to five elders against me and two other elders. It was an intense finish but we beat them. Our perseverance prevailed! Then we went down to the little old time shops on main street and went to the ice cream shop and looked at all the other cute little stores down there. It's a Louis and Clark themed place. Way cute. Definitely a good place to come back and visit.
Tuesday we had a great lesson with Jean! She is doing awesome and is our most progressing investigator right now. We read a chapter in the Book of Mormon with her and it was so powerful. We talked about her concerns and things she had questions on and the Spirit was just so strong and totally guiding the lesson. She's an amazingly sweet lady. She's about 75 years old and lives alone. She has such a strong faith in Christ and is just trying to do what is right. She said that she has felt so much closer to God as she has been reading from the Book of Mormon and she loves how it supports the Bible.

Wednesday and Thursday we had back to back exchanges with sisters. We first exchanged with Frontenac and I took Sister Mortensen back to our area to do work there. We had a great day filled with appointments. It was so fun to get to know Sister Mortensen and learn from her. She is a great missionary and I hope to stay friends with her. We met with the Smiths and talked about the Holy Ghost. They are really stressed about moving and haven't been able to really read that much but they are still praying! We will be seeing them again tonight.

The next day we met up at our halfway point for the exchange and instead of exchanging back to having Sister Masino, we met up with the Parkway sisters and she went with Sister Bailey while Sister Nordstrom came with me! It was raining sooooo hard and we were way wet, trying to move luggage from car to car and everything but it was fun. Sister Nordstrom is younger in the mission and is unique because she was serving in England before she came here. She had to go home for medical reasons and was reassigned here. It was so cool to hear about England and it made me appreciate my mission even more. She said they all have to be on bikes and it rains constantly and it's cold. I love my mission!
She also was recently in a car accident. They were rear-ended and she got severe whiplash. :( So she has to rest a lot and it usually in pain. So after district meeting we just went home and let her take it easy while I packed my books into boxes to send home. It was weird. But she said resting helped a lot. Then she made me German pancakes for dinner! It was awesome! And yummy! :)

We went to go see a less active family that night and it was good to see her teach. We were able to learn a lot from each other and she said some really nice things she learned from me at the end of our exchange. It's so cool to be able to help the sisters in the mission. I didn't think being an STL would be so great! It's so rewarding!

The next day I finally got Sister Masino back and it was so good to be back together :) We missed each other. We spent most of the day planning for various things. We have to go through and talk about all of the sisters and pray to know who we think should be paired up with who for next transfer. Then the next day we drove down to St. Louis to meet with the AP's to give them our report and everything. We brought cookies and the elders were happy about that.
We also saw Sister Cantillo and she is doing awesome.

Saturday was wonderful! After our pow wow with the AP's we went to the TEMPLE! Sam Jones was going through the temple and invited us to come. Both Sister Masino and I helped teach Sam when we served in Columbia. Oh it was such a beautiful experience. It was also my last time in the temple as a full-time missionary. Real bitter-sweet moment. The temple was so beautiful. It was wonderful.

Sunday none of our investigators came to church. But it was a great service. We have an awesome ward! It's hard to help people progress when everyone is out of town or moving. But it's okay. All is well! :) Oh and Donita has quit smoking! She's doing great and we are so proud of her! Next step is returning to church. She's gonna make it! We're so excited for her!
Hope you all have a great week!


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